
Monday, 16 March 2020

The Young Detective: Writing


The Young Detective

resource image pobble365
It had been three days since it had gone missing. One minute he had held it in his hand, the next it had vanished. How could it just have disappeared? It had been right in front of his eyes!

He had been warned about what would happen if he lost it. His mission had been to guard the key with his life, ever since they visited him last summer.

Adam had always had a detective’s instinct. They had told him as much. He had been chosen because he had certain skills, and he would need them more than ever now.

Only one clue had seemingly been left, which was sat on the living room table.

Holding the magnifying glass up to his eye, Adam began to investigate…  

He looked at the table and found a key but he didn’t know what to do with it. Adam had the key just in-case he needed it for anything.So he randomly found a door with the Exact same key.

When Adam unlocked the door his father was sitting down on a couch. The place that he was walking into was the library. He looked around but didn’t find anything.

So when Adam was about to leave he found an object which stood out to him the most. His father was leaving the mysterious library and Adam got closer to the object but it was just  a book.

Indeed he was a bit disappointed but tried to stay calm instead. Adam grabbed the book and Quickly ran away he thought it was a good idea to look for the precious key then read the book. But dad was looking so suspicious. 

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

How to be a really good PT Englander?

 How to be a good Pt Englander:
Today we had to write about how we should be a good Pt Englander.We had to colour code our writing using the SEE paragraphs. The Statements are blue, Explanations are green and Example are Pink.

How would you become a good pt Englander? Well to be a good role model is that you have to be a good role model, Pay attention, be respectful and to be careful.

Being a would also mean showing the younger ones on how to do the right things. Another way to be a good role model would also really mean like helping others or people.well For (EXAMPLE), someone is hurting other people's feeling and they cry after all the rude things they say just go up and say like are you alright or what happend.

Well Paying attention is one of the Most Important things we must do is  showing kindness to whoever is talking.But they’re multiple ways how you can show by listening to people.For this example, when you sit with a group on the mat or a big table you need to listen to whoever could be talking or if your doing a test or a catch up test but you don’t know what to do instead of doing nothing and not listening to the teacher but then ask “ Ms what do I do again” but be more suitable with whoever you're with.

Respectful means to be a good leader, who shows people how to do things properly.To show how to be a leader is to demonstrate for little kids like it doesn't matter if your a bit younger than the others or older but you should still be more helpful even if something little happen and some people try to get some even more older (PREFERABLY a teacher) or if they want they could try to sort it out by themselves but you should be able to handle fixing things if your a yr 7 or 8. For example,we have athletics day in term 4 sometimes little kids get confused or they don’t know what to do so to be better seniors you could show them how to do things that’s how to be a respectful leader to others (including siblings,teachers and the other seniors).

Being careful is also related to paying attention,role models.But lying is also not good for teachers or anyone (including yourself).Careful means to watch out where your going,how your acting or which path are you choosing to go on.For example,someone was acting naughty,rude to the teachers and they left class what they needed to do was to think about what they just did,how they acted,choosing the wrong path.
And There you have it everyone. The first reason why you have to be respectful is because it helps people feel safe for everyone. The second reason why we have to be careful is that if some is being rude or saying unkind words just tell the teachers or any other adult. The third reason why we have to pay attention to others is that because when someone is talking just listen but don’t talk when someone talks. The fourth reason why you have to be a good (ROLE MODEL) is because so that  your old enough you can show how the younger kids know what to do.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020


Task Description: This week the Mussles were work on a reading task called the Suipi so and this is how i did.

WALT: use what we know to answer questions.